Thursday, December 31, 2009

Selamat Tahun Baru 2010

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah Hiwabarakatuh,

Kami warga kerja dan kakitangan Kafa Integrasi Dzul Iman, ingin mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru 2010 kepada semua pengunjung laman blog ini. Tidak lupa kepada semua ibubapa, guru-guru, dan seluruh Kafa Integrasi di daerah petaling.

Semoga tahun baru ini memberi kita azam yang kuat dan tinggi dalam memartabatkan dan memajukan pendidikan anak-anak kita ke arah yang lebih cemerlang dan gemilang.

Segala pahit dan manis di tahun yang lepas, kita jadikan teladan dan sempadan dalam menjadikan pengalaman dalam memajukan diri di masa hadapan.

Salam Tahun Baru 2010 dari kami, seluruh warga kerja Kafa Integrasi Dzul Iman buat anda.


Monday, December 14, 2009

Carta Organisasi Kafa Integrasi Dzul Iman

Carta Organisasi Kafa Integrasi Dzul Iman

( Click the picture to see the full image )

Dzul Iman Smart * Khalifah

Sabda Rasulullah SAW

"Ajarkanlah anak-anakmu adab dan cantikkanlah adab mereka."
Hadith riwayat Ibnu Majah

Parent's Words on Dzul Iman :-

  • "I can see a drastic change this year as she enjoys reading (story books & Qiraati books). She also very excited in practicing Dhuha prayer at home. She loves to share whatever she learned at school and play spelling game with me. She can also judge what is right and what is wrong and can differentiate what Allah love and not". (Mother of Hanifa, 6 Years old.)
  • "Dzul Iman provides a good head start of introducing young children to the beauty of Islam. I believe the 'Khalifah Program' and the loving approach of the teachers in Dzul Iman would help create better muslim ummah to face challenges of the future. Congratulations Dzul Iman." (Puan Ainil Fidrah, Mother of Anis Farhanah, 5 years old.)
  • "I am happy and satisfied with my 3 boys preschool education at Dzul Iman. The technique used has built the vital foundation for my children in academic and religious aspects. Indeed, learning at Dzul Iman nurtures their crative thinking. Syabas!" (Puan Noraziah, Mother of Muhammad Adlan, 6 years old.)
  • "I am impressed with Fatimah at home. She speaks English, reads and writes much better than before. And what I like most is her fluency in hafazan and memorising hadith. She surely benefits from both worlds, ad dunya wal aakhirah." (Kak Aidah, Mother of Ummu Fatimah, 5 years old.)
  • "I am so happy with my daughter's progress and so proud that she can memorize Yaasin and few Hadiths. She even read it out to her cousin. She also love to read books." (Mother of Athirah, 6 years old.)
Training @ Dzul Iman

Dzul Iman believes in continuous learning and synergistic teamwork between parents and teachers in giving the best to our young children. We provide practical training that enhance your ability to understand and influence children positively. We serve individuals and groups. On-site training at school, working place or office is available. Please contact us for further information. Courses available :-
  • Effective Parenting Course
  • Empowering Khalifah Teachers
  • The Leader In You